A home proyect for those who need it the most. - A roof for my country NGO
A home proyect for those who need it the most. - A roof for my country NGO
A home proyect for those who need it the most. - A roof for my country NGO
Stress ---- 7 1/2" ----- Relax - Tulipán Condoms.
Bad Mood ---- 7" ----- Good Mood - Tulipán Condoms.
Sadness ---- 8" ----- Hapiness - Tulipán Condoms.
Shoes - Alto Palermo Shopping Mall
Perfume - Alto Palermo Shopping Mall
Purse - Alto Palermo Shopping Mall
A great smile achieves great things.
A great smile achieves great things.
Don´t drink and drive. Repsol YPF
Don´t drink and drive. Repsol YPF
Don´t drink and drive. Repsol YPF
This ad mimics the diagramming of the sport supplement of Lanacion newspaper. It was published the day Argentina soccer team faced Brazil. Everything says "whatever".
At the bottom right says: "When Argentina plays, Argentina plays" - Quilmes Beer, offical sponsor of the National Soccer Team.

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